Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Super cheap shopping trip today!

Today I went shopping at Smith's and got some killer deals!!! I got so many things and my total was only $6.30 for all of it. YIPEEEEEE!!!!!
20 cans of Hormel chili
10 Sobe Life waters
5 Ken's salad dressings
5 bags of Quaker Quakes (love em')
3 bars of Philadelphia cream cheese
3 Johnson's Buddie bars
1 bag of Cheerios mix
1 bag of Chex mix
almost everything today was FREE..........crazy huh!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A few things to catch up on.....

Over the weekend Rick went to Wyoming for his Grandfather's funeral. He said that everything went we but wished that I could have gone with him. He was able to spend time with his extended family and see some places that he spent time at as a young boy. We thought the drive would be to hard on the kids/us so I stayed home and ended up taking care of sick little kids.

Then Sunday.....I stayed home from church with sick kids. Rick got home in the evening and I got a call from the Bishopric. I now have 2 callings. My newest is Girls Camp Director. I am super excited for this new calling because I have always wanted to go to girls camp. (but not to be in charge LOL!!!!!!) I am also soooooooooo scared and feel so inadequate because I have never gone to girls camp!!!!! What is a girl to do. Yikes!!! Pointers anyone...................PLEASE!!!!! I realize it is going to be a lot of work but also know of the great reward of doing it! That will get me through right?!?

Then, I got a call from my sister saying that my Dad was is in the hospital and just finished surgery. What???? He went to the hospital on Wednesday (due to complications from his Crone's disease, he had a complete blockage). Nothing was progressing for the better so they went in and dissected the lower portion of his intestine. He is a trooper. His pain dosage machine didn't work for about a 1 and 1/2. He was not feeling well at all. I went to see him last night. He was out of it but happy that I stopped by. We asked why he didn't tell us why he was in the hospital and he said he didn't want to bother anyone. So my dad!!! So my family!!! Anyway....he is doing better today. I hope to be able to visit him again on Wednesday.

Sick kiddo's

Well we have 2 sick little boys in our house. Carter is starting to feel better but he had pink eye and an ear infection. He is not happy at all when I come at him with the eye drops....he is a strong little bugger when he wants to be. Then, Talon has double ear infections. I felt so bad for him this evening. He was crying and had a high fever so off he went to visit the after hours clinic once again. We really don't like dealing with ear infections.......... all of the boys have had their share plus some. I think we are on the upswing now. Yeah! Thank goodness for meds! It is a good thing that it was the weekend and now the kids have school break.

Carter is walking!!!

Carter has been taking his time learning to walk but, he is now a full fledged walker and he is so dang cute! I was able to capture it on my camera but it is sideways and I couldn't figure out how to change it one here. (Just humor me and tilt your head to watch it). No sound either : ( But I think you can tell that he was saying Momma, Momma. He loves his Mommy!!!! I am lucky to have such a sweet boy.