Saturday, September 22, 2012

Teddy Bear picnic

Better late than never. At the end of the school year Carter had a fun Teddy Bear picnic at school. The kiddo's got to bring in their favorite stuffed animal. Carter has had this horse since he was born. His great aunt and cousin gave it to him. 

 Photo shoot with his horse.
Love this picture! What a silly cute boy. I love him so much. He is such a fun kid to hang out with.

Buahhhhhh ha ha!!!! Bathroom fright!

We found the craziest bathrooms while in Crete. Some were pretty much just squatters, some were so tiny that I could barely fit once I closed the door, most were straight up stairs in the craziest locations, unlike our restrooms that are labeled men or women theirs would be whatever they wanted. It turned into a fun thing to  look at the crazy signs and see what the bathroom looked like. This one below happens to be one of the funniest stories we have from our trip. My friend Amber and I went to the ladies and the hubbies went into the boys like normal : )  Well when I was washing my hands I noticed that between the sink and the mirror was an opening to the mens side (what the heck, why is it that way????) Anyway.....when Rick went to wash his hands I stuck my arm through to his side and he jumped/yelled/screamed like a girl/ and about had heart failure! It seriously was soooooooooooooooooo funny! We all laughed until we were sick! The rest of the day all we had to do is look at him and we would bust up!
My friend and her hubby. He is taking a picture from his side. Wacky!
This is after Rick calmed down and could breath. We took a picture from the girls side......see, why it is like this who knows. Oh my goodness.......I am cracking up looking at this again!

Crete Greece 2012

Here is a sneak peek of my pictures from Crete. I am such a slacker at posting my vacation pictures. More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was on an awesome hike that I took with one of the fun ladies I met while there. So much fun!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Carter's 1st Day of Preschool

K, the story goes......we had about an hour before school started for Carter . They boys were all playing.....oh wait .....fighting in the basement when Talon started screaming bloody murder!!! I was trying to send them all to their rooms for the fighting when Keaton said "Mom, Talon is bleeding". Well, that changed everything.
Carter had thrown a match box car at Talons head. I couldn't tell how bad it was because he wouldn't let me clean it off all the way. So, off we went to the E.R. to get it checked out.
Talon didn't really want his picture taken can you tell.

Oh he was crying a river. Carter was so concerned and felt so bad. I hope this will help with him and his toy throwing problem. I didn't get an after picture because we had to dash of to take Carter to school. Talon was ok......they just glued to cut which really wasn't super duper bad. It was a crazy morning!
 Here is Carter buckled up, headed to the E.R. He was all handsome in his uniform. I will have to capture it again next week.
Trying to smile even though he is heart broken that he hurt his brother.

Treasure Traders

So some friends and I attended a super fun swap a few months back that was so much fun. We had such a great time that we decided to put a fun night on for people we know. We have been brainstorming and preparing for the big event. It has been a crazy adventure so far and we have just begun. Check out our blog and tell me what you think. I am super excited!!!
If only my friends that live far away could attend.....some of them have mad craft skills!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A sad day.

Today I was told that my Grandma Jean died on Tuesday. The last time the boys and I saw her was about a month ago. She had been in bed depending on oxygen and not doing much for herself ,but she wanted to come out on her couch to visit with us. I didn't know that would be the last time I would see her. She is not my real Grandma, but I lived next to her when I was first born and I have always kept in touch with her and always called her Grandma. I didn't know her middle name was Julia until I read her obituary....what a pretty name. The things I will miss so much about her are.......her hugs, smile, soft skin, her love for makeup and nail polish, her red hair, she was the best homemade macaroni and cheese maker ever, her love and kindness for children, the love she had for the boys and I, how welcoming she was when I would stop by to see her, pink "pepto"  candies and orange slices ready to hand out, updated on "Days of Our Lives", hearing memories she had of me when I was little, and her telling me that she loves me. I always felt safe and happy when around her. Grandma Jean was one of my favorite people in the world, I am going to miss her so much. Another thing I remember is the picture of Christ she had hanging in her living room. I think that was my first exposure to anything like that....she had the same picture hanging my entire life.....I loved to visit her and know it would always be there too! What a great lady, I am so blessed to have had her in my life for all these years! I am betting that she is in heaven now with her sweet eternal companion having a wonderful time! That brings me joy : )

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Keaton had his 1st pinewood derby on Friday night.He was pretty nervous for the 1st run!
At the end of the night he came in 1st for his age group. He was so excited.
Uncle John was so great to help Keaton out with his car. They put a lot of time and effort into it and it paid off. What a great Uncle he is!
They are pretty proud! Way to go guys!

I won tickets to Zorro!

In December I went to the musical My Fair Lady with my mom for her birthday. The next show to come was Zorro. I mentioned how I would love to take the boys but I felt it was to expensive. Well, I ended up winning tickets, it was a whirlwind of a time getting there yesterday but we loved every minute of it! The boys loved loved loved the sword fighting!
After the show.
Talon came upstairs today as Zorro! How cute is that, he didn't even know who Zorro was until yesterday. Now he himself is a Zorro look alike : ) (I made his mask to finish out his attire)
Keaton better look out, Zorro is in the house!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Science fair - growing germs

Talon and his group did a great presentation for their science fair. They swabbed for germs at their school and made a graph to show "germ comparisons".This is a picture from their poster. Talon had volunteered to swab his mouth for the cause : ) Funny thing is, he ended up without any germs!!!! His teacher and the rest of the staff didn't know how on earth he was without a germ. How do you ask was he germ less? Well, he had been on an antibiotic for an ear infection. Wow....that's how powerful the meds can be. Not a germ in sight! Funny huh.


Keaton got to go on his first overnight-er for scouts last weekend. It was supposed to be a winter camp but we have had such nice weather that the boys didn't even need a jacket. (as a mom I am not to bummed that it wasn't cold for the little fellas). Here is is all packed and ready to go.....he was like this for about an hour before he even had to leave, now that is what you call EXCITED!I can't believe he is old enough for this. Where does the time go?
They got home the next day a little earlier than planned and we were not home for him yet. He is such a good boy, he let himself in and by the time I got home (about 15 min later) he had all of his stuff unpacked and put away. All on his own....I am so proud of the young man his has become.

Someone got his letter crown!

Mr. Carter Knudsen earned his letter crown at school on the 15th. We are so proud of him. To get his crown he had to be able to recognize all of his consonants and vowels, and know all of their sounds. Woo hoo big boy, you did it!What a little poser : )
I took him out for some frozen custard to celebrate. He wanted the biggest size they had, so of course their was enough for him to share with me....cookie dough was his flavor choice, yummy!

Arrow of Light

In January Keaton had his Arrow of Light ceremony for scouts. He was so excited to get his arrow. He displays it proudly in his room. He has enjoyed scouts very much. I am so proud of him for all of his accomplishments.Nanna and Grandpa were there to support him on his big night.
The young man that did his presentation was awesome. We are lucky to have him in our area to make the scouts night extra special.
Proud mom!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just clowning around

This was taken at Keaton's birthday party. The pictures are out of order......the story goes......Carter came up for breakfast with a clown wig on. We thought he was pretty silly and didn't expect to see him that way, it was just out of the blue. Keaton was demonstrating the look along with the story.
This is how Carter came into breakfast that morning. What a silly kid. We just love him.

Two Good Looking Brothers

Talon was so excited to be able to leave his class to watch his brothers program. Good Lookin' boys!

Carter's winter sing

Cater sang his little heart out at for his Winter sing in preschool. My favorite song that they sang was "Here comes Suzy Snowflake". Prior to the program Carter would sing that song to me to and from school. He sounded so stinkin' cute, I just wanted him to sing it over and over to me. Once their was a snowman......
Mmmmm, not sure that he is diggin' the scarf they had the kids wear.
Cute boy! He was so excited to give us the Christmas gift he got to make at school. It was a cute little hand-print and a sweet saying to go along with it.

Got rid of an ol' friend

The boys were sad to see their playhouse had been around since Keaton was about 2 I think. It was just time. It was turning into a jumping platform, a catch all for junk when cleaning the basement, and a battle ground. They loved that thing though! They would use it as an addition to their blanket forts, a hideout, and an "I'm free" spot when playing games.

They begged me to keep it around. They were just getting to big for it. Even Carter was taller than the door. Yep it had to go : ( We love the new space we have now.
Peace! The cute little family that bought it is has 2 little girls. It was going to be their Christmas present. I am happy that is will continue to bring joy and excitement to more little ones.