Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Awwwwwww Shucks!

Just got back from the cabin in Manila. While there my boys were all sitting on my dad's tractor and they looked so stinkin' cute! I went to take a picture of them and realized that I left my card reader in my computer at home! Ugh! No pictures to show : (
So, the last post of old cabin pic's will have to do.
I was a boring mom on this trip. I didn't feel well and I seriously vegged on the couch for a huge chunk of the time. The boys found things around the cabin to do though. Carter had a blast going for walks around the cabin (over and over again). We came home a day early because I wanted the comforts of home : ) Today I have a sore throat! Yes, I am whinning but someone here in blogger world might have some sympathy for me right???