Friday, February 27, 2009

All my boys........

Look at all my boys......I just love them all to bits!!!! I am very thankful to have such super boys in my life : ) Keaton is so kind, obedient, and caring. Talon is full love, energy, and bright. Carter is a sweet, happy bundle of joy, and my dear husband is so helpful, loving, and my best friend. Wow, I am one lucky girl to have all these boys......I love, love, love them!!!

Oh, and I can't forget......Pappa.....he is a good Grandpa/Father in law!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My little helper : )

Today Carter was cracking me up. When I was vacuuming he was doing it to with his handy dandy kids vac. He was so intense! I wanted to get him dressed but he wouldn't part with his vac. He even passed up his "moo moo" (milk) to not part with the thing. He dragged it around with him all day. At bed time I thought it would have to go with him but I said it had to go night night and he waved goodbye to it! Too cute!

What a cute little helper I have : )

Monday, February 23, 2009

A big day for Talon

Today at school Talon got his Blending Badge!!! He was so proud to show me when I picked him up from school. I asked him if I could take his picture (he is still not happy with his self inflicted hair cut) and he said I took it he pulled his arm down and said "Yes I did it!" He is so proud of his new accomplishment. : ) Way to go Tally!!!
He asked if would make him a cake to celebrate. He chose strawberry cake with confetti frosting. We all sang to him and let him know how proud we are of him. His Grandpa Knudsen got to celebrate with us also (he stopped by to watch Keaton play basketball). .