Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cabin fun....

Last month we went to our family cabin in Brighton......we had so much fun. My Dad came up for the day and made us some yummy steaks for dinner. My bro. in law was up for one night and my sis and I along with our kiddo's stayed 2 nights. The kids had so much fun with sticks, a little stream that runs in front of the cabin and the little guys looooooooved the dirt.
I brought up some bubbles and that kept them busy for a short time....then off to explore they went once again.
The kids all helped G-pa husk some corn for our dinner.

Talon was collecting sticks to battle with. He had quite the collection in his belt loops.

Ooooooooooo so clean! My dad couldn't believe how dirty all the kids got! They sure had fun getting that way : )

Best little cousin's ever. I think most of their dirt came from one another. They thought it was so fun to wipe each other (maybe they were painting themselves for battle??) Little stinkers.

Here is Carter before (my dad suggested to bath the kids in a bucket of water he brought up.....the cabin doesn't have water so we bring it all in)

And..............after! Ooooooooooo much better.
When we dumped the bucket it had about 1 1/2" of dirt in the bottom of it. They were all grubby little monsters!
* We took a little walk, made smores, roasted hot dogs, the kids explored the area, Amber and I spiffed up the cabin and we had the chance to visit in between taking care of the kiddo's. The last night was a bit crazy.....Carter woke up in the middle of the night puking.....that was not lasted for a few hours.....he and I didn't get much sleep that night. Two of Amber's kids had a hard time sleeping that night also......needless to say we didn't get a whole lot of sleep!*

Friday, August 13, 2010

Yum....snow cones

The other day we were leaving from work and a snow cone machine was outside..........oh, who can pass up a snow cone machine? Not I! So, we all sat on a bench and had a yummy treat before heading home. I scored big time mommy points that day : )

Look at Carter's face...........he spotted me taking their picture and gave me a dirty look. He he!
Keaton had sour pink lemonade, the little guys each had bubble gum and I had my ol' stand by pina colada. Delicious it was!

Silly boys.....wearing Sturgis shirts

The boys just got their annual Sturgis shirts from my Dad. Each year he rides to Sturgis and does the whole Harley thing......not so sure what all happens......maybe I don't want to know?
Anyway the boys get excited to see what shirt Grandpa will bring them home.

Man are those cheesy smiles or what LOL they almost look frightened!!!!

Here is a goofy pose.........
and yet another. Silly boys! Love 'em!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Time to catch up!

Yowzers.....I have been quite the slacker when it comes to this blog. Let me explain : ) We have had an AWESOME summer! Pictures to come. We went camping, to our family cabin, Lagoon, an Ice Cream party and sleepover at G&G Nelson's, movies, movie nights, Keaton had basketball camp, swimming, BBQ's, Rick and Talon's b-day parties, and a whole bunch of other things. It has been loads of fun! I am so sad that we only have a week and a day left of it : (

We also lost my dear Uncle Brent. He was only 60 years young.

The 2 older boys took 2 weeks of swimming lessons and have continued taking private lessons every Monday night. They are doing so well. I am not sure what we can work out when school starts but I hope to be able to continue if they can have and earlier time slot.

Talon started taking piano lessons like his big brother. He is doing such a great job. He can memorize things like know other! We are so proud of him. It has also kept his mind off of spelling a bit. (He spells everything he hears, he sees something and spells it......his mind never stops he seriously needs a daily spelling bee).

I have been working at the Aquatics center near my home. I work a couple mornings a week for 2-3 hours. It is so nice.....I am able to take my kids and they get to play and do crafts. By working I get some great perks......1/2 of on childcare, 1/2 off on everything offered at the gym. (swimming lessons, basketball camp, sports for the kids etc).

And.......last but not least. Since I get 1/2 off at the gym I started working with a personal trainer the beginning of June. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. It is something I have always wanted to do but it was just to costly. I thought it would be so can be some days but for the most part I find it very rewarding. I have also surprised myself at how strong I am and how quickly I have seen results. I am lovin' it!!!! And.........I have been running!!!! If you know me at all you know that is huge I didn't think I could do it because I have tried before (but didn't know how to gear myself up for it I guess) Anyway, I feel so much better being fit and I love looking more like my old self : ) YEAH!!!

Dr. Duck

K, this is a bit silly but also so so sad........Poor little Carter was playing in our backyard and got stung twice on his lip by a hornet (or 2 ?) His top lip swelled up huge! The pictures are awhile after he had Benadryl and ice! He wasn't able to talk very well because he had so much slobber in his mouth and because the size of his lip. His brothers and his cousins called him Dr. Duck because they thought he looked like a duck (who knows how they came up with the Dr. bit???). I thought he would be sad they called him that but he thought it was hilarious and even now he says "Mommy member when I was Dr. Duck" so sad : (
Seriously huge!
Poor little guy was so sore.