Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Chistmas Tree....

The kids are out of school now for Christmas break. They both had parties at school today and said that they had a great time. My shopping and wrapping of presents is all taken care of so now we can sit back and enjoy the holidays. I still can't believe that Christmas is next week. This year has flown by so quickly! We have a tree in our basement that I will have to post later but this is the "pretty" tree that has all of my nice ornaments that I have picked out over the years. I get so excited to decorate it each is my chance to have something extra sparkly/fancy and girlie in the house!
I found this super cute advent calendar this year for us to use. We usually do the chocolate countdown or the chain but this has been so fun! I put little ornaments inside all of the doors and each day the boys trade off opening them. Then they get to hang them on the tree (new for this year also....I love it!) It has been exciting for them to see what is behind the door!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Talon's Winter Sing.

On Wednesday Talon had his Winter Sing at school. It was so fun to watch him and all of his little buddies perform. I get so teary eyed whenever I watch my kids in programs. I am not a person that cries for much of anything but I tell you what......watching my kids in programs does it for me every time!!!

What a handsome little guy. He was hamming it up the whole time!
Then...they got a surprise visit from Santa.

Talon was thrilled to get a candy cane. He is so excited for Christmas this year. He has been asking so many questions about Santa, the North Pole, the sleigh and so on and so forth. It is so fun to see his excitement.

Holy cow!!! The boy next to him has older sisters that are twins....and then he is a triplet!!! Can you even imagine???? They have the cutest mom and she always seems put together.....I need to know her trick!!! I have trouble keeping it together with the boys that I have!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All of the cute girls...

Here is the picture we had taken for my moms Birthday. It turned better than we thought it would considering the crazy lady that took the picture and the morning we had leading up to it. We are just happy that all of us were able to get together to have it taken. I love my mom and sisters very much. They mean so much to me and I am thankful to have them all in my life. I am glad that my boys have great women to look up to and trust. Thanks guys for all of your love and support throughout my life.
Also, thank you for letting me talk your ears off when I get the chance : )
Love, your daughter and big sis : )