Friday, October 17, 2008

Momma told me.......

My Momma told me "If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all". I am taking her advice. My last few days have been pretty rough. I am soooooooo ready for Rick to get home. I am counting down the days.........I need a break!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Carter is ONE today!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Carter, happy birthday to you! Carter is one year old today. It is so hard to believe that it is possible for him to be that old already. My this year has flown by. We are having a family party for him this weekend. Tonight the boys and I celebrated with him on our own. The boys gave him some new bibs and chose to get him a banana cream pie instead of cake since he will get cake at his big bash this weekend. Carter loves bananas so this was a great treat for him. -good choice boys-

He thought that the pie bit was awesome. The boys kept singing to him. He was smiling and laughing at them. I think that he enjoyed all of the extra attention. Wow, he was going to town wasn't he. So cute!
I think that Carter had a great day today. It was sweet and sour for me though. I am so happy that he is healthy and growing up to be a "big boy" but I am also sad that he is not "the baby". I have enjoyed this little guy so much and feel so lucky and blessed to be his mom. What a sweet little guy he is : )

A morning at Chuck E. Cheese

I took Carter to Chuck E. Cheese this morning. I forgot to take my camera. Bummer! But we had lots of fun. We were the only ones in the whole place. Nice! His favorite part was riding on a big white horse. He rode it 4 times. I kept thinking he was going to get whip lash from it but he was laughing and doing the gitty up motion when it would stop. He waved bye bye to the horse when we left. So cute! This is a picture that we had taken at a picture booth there.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Carter playing in the kitchen.

Carter was playing in the kitchen again. I think that it is his all time favorite place to hang out. He just loves to get my things out of the cupboards. He was having a lot of fun making noise with his block inside of the colander. (no sound on the video) He did this for quite sometime and then he chucked the block and wanted to move onto something else. Cute baby : )

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Today we woke up to snow, and lots of it!!!! Holy cow can you believe how much we got! The boys were so excited, they rounded up their snow clothes as fast as they could to go out and play. They were super excited that we had carrots in the house so they could use one for their snowman. After church (we stayed home, Carter is still sick) all of the neighbor kids were out playing, the boys joined in and had a lot of fun. Not a real typical Sunday I guess.....but with all this do, to do?????