Saturday, February 21, 2009

Did someone forget to tell me................

The other day my sis Amber brought Talon over some gum. Maybe 20 minutes later she called me for something..........
Well, when she called I had a little boy (Talon) crying because I was picking gum out of his hair. Yep, he put the whole wod in his hair. I used the ol' peanut butter trick to get it out. I don't even remember why Amber called back now....hey Am if it was important you might want to call me back again LOL
But, thinking back on that day.....I think it was 2 days ago.....that was nothing! Today he came into our bedroom and said. "Um, I cut my hair on accident". Yep, the little stinker decided to give himself a haircut. Of course it is right in front!!! So, I had to pretty much buzz his hair down to the nubbins. He cried so hard because he loves his hair and loves to make it stand up in the front.....not now my friend, there is nothing to work with. Oh, I am so happy that he is a boy! Anyway.......I think someone forgot to tell me that it's crazy hair week!?!

This is a picture of the chunk he took out. Look how sad he is........

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ok, so only 2 want to play????

Hey y'all! A few posts down I mentioned that I would make you something FAB if you would do the same for 5 others : ) C'mon, don't be shy.........I need 3 more takers. I know I have crafty creative friends out there. You can do it, yes you can : )

Awesome shot!!!!!

Tonight we went to Keaton's basketball game. It is so fun to watch him now that he is "getting" the game. His coaches were encouraging him to try some longer shots during practice and then they told him that during the game they wanted him to try a half court shot. So, he had the ball and the coach yelled out to him "Keaton go for it!!!!"...............He totally made a half court shot!!!!!! It was so amazing!!! I bet he will be dreaming about it all night : )

Carter got a big boy hair cut.

Tadah! Here is Carter's new hair cut. Today I was at the store and two little Grandpa's walked over to me together and one said " I wish I had hair and teeth like him" (referring to Carter). It was so funny, I kept giggling to myself as I drove home. Anyway I got off on a tangent (nothing abnormal for me right). So, Carter has big boy hair to match his brothers now. I thought he wouldn't mind getting it done but he pretty much had a fit the whole time. I need to get faster at cutting it somehow????

What a cute little Valentine!

I was excited to post some Valentine pictures but my pictures all looked weird. I had left my camera in the van for awhile and it was cold, the lens was so blurry : (
Here is one that turned out though : )
Talon stuck a bunch of stickers on his body and was making Carter laugh. When he tried getting them off of his forehead he was crying because they were also stuck to his hair. He didn't like that part at all but Carter continued cracking up at him. It was pretty funny to watch LOL! Poor little guy.