Thursday, February 5, 2009

Crazy girl!

Hey just fyi, my post I just did turned out crazy! I tried to do something fun but, wowzers!!!!
Well..........just see for yourself. I guess I won't be doing that again! Too hard to read! Oh well, live and learn eh? I hope you don't have permanent eye damage after reading it LOL!!!!
Have a great night all : )

On a cleaning frenzie!!!!

Woo I was on a cleaning Frenzie!!!!! It was out of no where! Rick has been working graves and I have posted a TON about my kiddo's being sick : ( Any~who.....I had enough of being trapped in a germ infested, unorganized state so......I went to town. I cleaned the fridge, the ceiling fan, got rid of some ghetto clothes, tried to change my room around but ended up keeping it just the same, wiped down walls, hooked up a hdtv box in my room, did some organizing in the storage room.....It feels so nice to be on top of things again : )
Something else that made for a good day was............I went for a nice brisk walk with Carter in his stroller and Talon went ahead of us pedaling his car. Can I just tell you how happy I am to have my kids feeling better! I seriously feel like a NEW WOMAN!!!!! I also chit chatted with my sister Melissa on the phone today.....and the boys helped me make dinner. Oh, and one of my friends brought me over a ton of double coupon inserts : )
Oh my, I did mean to blog about my cleaning, you know a ton more. Life is good : )

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Boys

The boys were at it again. I think the all time favorite thing for them to play with in the toy room is the dress up clothes. It cracks me up how they take on a new personality/voice while they are sporting their different looks. Talon is the funniest, he seriously thinks he has super powers with his get up on. I joke with him and act like I have no idea who he is then he will take off his mask and say "Mommy it is really me, Talon". Cute boys : )

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a week and a half we've had : (

This past week has been sooooooooooo not fun! We have had sick kiddo's. My sakes, I am not sure where they got what they got but I will be glad when it is all over! Here it the run down of the "yucka mucka's".

Talon: double ear infections, then 4 days of horrendous fevers, then pink eye, and ending with a bad cold/cough.

Carter: cold, then an ear infection w/ pink eye, then cough and boogers, then pink eye again, and now the latest.....up last night with the pukers!!!

Last night I was up with Carter trying to keep him comfortable. It was so sad having him look at me wanting me to take away his "owies" and I couldn't do anything to make him feel better. It is so sad having a sick baby. He is finally resting and was able to eat/drink a little today. I think the worst is over now : )
I am praying that this week will be better than the last.