Saturday, September 13, 2008

24 cards for Tuesdays card exchange

My sister Stacey invited me to a card exchange/club and I have been pretty excited about it but have put off making my cards until tonight because my brain didn't have a single idea in it for what to make until now. I had fun making them once I came up with an idea. (I wish the pictures turned out better).

First I crafted up a design ( I saw a similar dragonfly on some site???) I changed it a bit to my liking and then added the words "Thinking Of You".

This is the final product. I put silver glitter in the center of the dragonfly and tore the edges of the outside paper. The white rectangle at the bottem is where something nice could be written. I am not sure what color of envelopes I should use yet. What do you think? A bright green, yellow, or just white?

Go BYU! Well, if you are a fan that is.

In honor of the BYU game today that Rick and Keaton are going to, I thought I would post this picture that we had taken for Fathers day. I am not a fan like my boys (all 4 of them) are. They are all in love with BYU everything! I am not a sporty girl, don't get into them. With all of the boys I have, I bet one day I will be right along with them either cheering on a team they are involved in or something they are watching. But for now......Daddy can do it : )

I just love this picture! I bet that Keaton and Daddy (Oh Ricks Dad is going too!) will have a great time today at the game. Go BYU! Well, if you are a fan that is.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yeah, Rick is home!

I am so happy to say that Rick got home tonight! The boys are so excited for him to be home too. Carter was so cute. He just kept starring at his Daddy and smiling. This time while he was away I had a bit harder time trying to manage all that needed to be done day to day. Having 3 kiddos now really makes a difference on my so called schedule.

The boys couldn't wait to have wrestle mania! They miss this a lot when Daddy is away.
Even Carter go in on the action!
What a good sport. Poor Rick had been traveling for 32 hours but he still made sure that the boys got their "wrestling wish".

What my coupons and $20.16 bought today.

I had a crazy shopping trip today since like usual I have kids in tow. Amber what is our deal? No more shopping with the kids, we need to swap! (really this time). I am so excited for what I was able to stock up on this week. Even though it was crazy I think my trip was very worth while. This is what I bought for $20.16.

18 Powerade 0 drinks

17 boxes of granola bars

13 boxes of instant oatmeal

10 bottles of Aunt Jemima syrup

2 cartons of Orange juice (2 more free on my next visit/they ran out)

2 loaves of Wheat bread
If I bought this without coupons/catalinas it would have cost me $201.94

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pinching Your Pennies

Today Amber and I had a group of friends over to learn more about our favorite topic! We just love love love bargains. I was surprised to find out that I had pretty much figured things out on my own but I have been second guessing myself. Well I am excited to put my little system into action once again tomorrow as I gear up for the Quaker sale. I am such the coupon nerd! Hey sis .......... don't forget the Powerade 0! .09 baby!!! My mom also hung out with us today. The kids had fun playing (in between Talon and Emma biting one another). Mom made a good dinner for all of us. It was very nice having the company.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My wish!

I just finished cleaning my kitchen and mopping the floors. Don't you just love it when your house is sparkling clean. My Wish is that I could magically keep it this way. I thought if I posted these pictures then I could reminisce on the beauty at another date it time LOL.

Oh so happy, yes so happy. Only a mom could love something so strange as a clean house huh.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Splishin' and a Splashin'

Carter loves to take a bath. When he hears the water running he gets so excited. I have been putting him into the sink lately for convenience sake and he thinks that he is so cool. The boys love it when I give him a mohawk. What a sweet little baby. We just love him!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Spidey/Soccer/Sword and Shield??????

Take a look at this get up! Talon puts the funniest things together when he plays dress up. I love it! I just loooooooooooooooove the orange soccer socks. He was trying to be so tough and I was trying to keep a straight face looking at him.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I had a great day today.

I had the best day today. I woke up to my sweet little guys saying Happy Birthday Mommy!! They are so cute. They got up early and made me breakfast. Yep, my sweet boys gave me breakfast in bed! They each also made me a card. (yesterday they asked if they could do a project in the craft room alone....I guess that is what they were working on). Aren't they so thoughtful.

They made my favorite cereal Peach Honey Bunches of Oats, toast, water, and a gingerbread cookie. I think they did a great job considering they are 7 and 4. When I finished eating they wanted to snuggle up and talk for awhile.

Rick sent these spoons to me from Korea. I have a big collection that I haven't displayed for awhile because I would like to find new display racks to put them on. Maybe this will be my incentive to do so. Tonight my mom had us over for dinner. My sisters Stacey and Amber along with their families also came. My mom made shrimp salad, corn on the cob, and a tasty brownie cake. Dan made hamburgers and he even tried a new recipe for ribs in his dutch oven. (they were pretty spicy but still good). My kids had a great time playing with their cousins. I had a nice time visiting with everyone. I really had a great Birthday today. Thanks everyone : )