Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Flashback photo!

Looking through pictures I came across these fun ones from a trip to our family cabin. It was from a couple years ago because my sis Amber was pregnant with Liam at the time (that means I was also pregnant with Carter......and boy were we super hot on that trip). The cousins had a blast playing behind the cabin in the sand.
Here we have the "fun stairs" a highlight of the cabin. You can hang from them, make a fort below them, slide down them, or like the boys are doing.....just checking things out.
This was movie time. They all look worn out from the day don't they : ) That's the good part for all of us mommies. Wear them out with lots of fun activities and then they crash well later : )
Fun times, fun times! I am just itching to go again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Birthday boy.

Yesterday Talon was thrilled to get a guitar from us. He was even happier that it's blue. Check out his owies on his head. After church I noticed his shoes were untied (this little guy loves to untie his shoes but he doesn't know how to tie them back up very well!!!!) and I told him to be careful or he would fall. Welp, a few seconds later he did a face plant on the sidewalk. He woke up on his b-day looking like he got into a fight during the night.
He wanted a guitar ever since he turned 4 last year!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Talon is 5 today!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Talon, happy birthday to you!!! Talon is 5 today.

Here he is showing off his cute dimples!