Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kissy time

Carter has a thing for Elmo. The other day it was so cute. I kept telling Cater that Elmo was sad and needed lovies from him. He would look at Elmo so concerned and would pick him up and give him kisses and lovies. It was so cute to watch him. He also had a blanket that he would have me wrap around Elmo over and over. He is a good little caretaker isn't he : )

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just wanted to share....

My sister Amber and I had a great shopping trip the other day. I am so amazed at how much we were able to get for our $. Thanks Am for a great/crazy morning : )
I just wanted to share the great deal that I was able to get. Can I just tell you that I LOVE Pinching Your Pennies and the Grocery Smarts list. It has changed my way of shopping and has given me so much money in my pocket to use for fun/savings : )

5 jars of Ragu
5 bottles of vitamin water
10 jars of Skippy peanut butter
4 tubs of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
2 Bryers Ice Creams
1 box of Q-tips
6 Vaseline lotions
4 bottles of Miracle Whip
5 bricks of Cream cheese
2 Parmesan cheese
4 boxes of Taco Bell shells
4 Lipton soups mixes
1 All detergent
1 Spiral ham @ $21.21
1 Spiral ham @ $ 13.67
1 Cure 81 Hormel ham @ $10.18

Minus coupons....(we even found coupons for the ham to take $3.oo off each one) Woo Hoo!!! At Albertson's if you bought $25 worth of certain items you would get $10 towards meat.

Total: $26.03 Then....I have a $10 rebate and a $20 rebate to turn in for ham so basically my total will change, and I will make $3.97 on the above transaction. I LOVE FREE FOOD!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


So, at 12:15 am and the again at 1:00 am Rick and I woke being startled by a little 4 year old that turned our bedroom light on and loudly said "I think the Easter Bunny came to our house!!!" Can I just tell you that even though it is exciting Mom and Dad are not happy to wake to something like that in the wee hours of the morning UGH!!!! So, maybe we are just not very nice but we made him go back to bed and talked to big bro. about sending little bro. upstairs to wake his parents. Then we said now you can't come out of your room until we are ready to wake up!!! Guess what.....they ended up sleeping in. Maybe they were tired or something?!? Gotta love em : ) This is what the Easter Bunny left for the 3 little cuties. Inside the eggs they had bubbles, a transformer, and treats. The Easter Bunny also left some hats for them to choose from : )

Keaton with his hat and transformer.

Keaton and Talon checking out their treats.

Carter had a mouth full of jelly beans........I sent him over to his Daddy and told him to give him a kiss. Oh don't ya just love a slobber kiss! He looks like he's on something LOL Maybe it's all the sugar? Silly boy : )
Then we ate breakfast. Then we had FHE (yep we do ours on Sunday/we are all home). Then we went to church. We enjoyed our meetings. I love how Easter brings out a "special" spirit in all of us. I wish I could keep that feeling with me at all times.
After church went to my parents house for a fun egg hunt and a great dinner. We had a nice time with everyone. The highlight of the night was playing soccer with Keaton, Rick, John, Amber, Mom, and the kiddo's that darted in and out of the game. Amber and I had frozen toes (we came with flip flops/had to take them off). On the drive home Keaton said "This was my favorite Easter I have ever had". I asked him why and he said "Because everyone played soccer with me". Sports really makes that kid tick : )