Saturday, December 13, 2008

Flashback Friday on Saturday : )

Well, it is Saturday but I didn't do my Flashback Friday post and I haven't been good at taking pictures this week so here it is...............Flashback Friday on Saturday : )
This is a picture of Keaton taken at our old house when he was 3. He was hanging out with his "guys" in his new big boy bed. His all time favorite stuffed animal is the black and white dog that is pictured. It's name is Spot. One time when my mom and her friend Suzy were babysitting him, they took him to the store and he fell in love with it. My mom said she tried ditching it off in the store but he through a fit. She ended up buying it for him and to this day it is his favorite. Who would have thought. He says that he will keep it forever!!!

Look at how chubby and squeezable his cheeks used to be. I love it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Keaton!!!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Keaton, happy birthday to you! Keaton turned 8 today! Tonight his Nanna, 2 Aunts, and his cousins came over to celebrate his special day. He didn't ask for anything for his gift, he told us just to surprise him. We got him a drum set. He was so thrilled when he saw it. He has wanted one since last year. It is even blue, his favorite color. It was so fun for me to see the excitement in his face when he got it.
He decided that he didn't want a cake this year. He asked for mint brownies and cookies and cream ice cream. Hey, that was easy for me : ) It tasted so yummy too!! He had such a great time hanging out with his cousins. He just loves them so much.
Keaton has been such a joy to have in our lives. He is a great boy and is willing to help out with things that need to be done when asked. He is excited to get baptized next month. I am so lucky to be his mom!!!

Carter and Liam had fun tonight too! They hung out in the shoe/coat closet. They had a great time opening and closing the door. What cute cousins they are.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Tonight I was on the phone and my boys came upstairs in the silliest outfits. They said that they were robbers. It cracks me up to see the goofy things they put together. They love playing dress up. Talon has on a magician hat and has a bone in his hand. Keaton is sporting a Batman cape. Ok robbers.........sooooooooooooo scary LOL!!! Oh and look how they have their eyes covered almost all of the way. Goofy kids!!!! : ) I love em'.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Choir performance

Last week Keaton had a Christmas choir performance at school. It was fun to watch all of the kids sing and do the actions to the songs. Keaton and his friend Gavin got so embarrassed when they sang the part " kiss her once for me" from the Holly Jolly Christmas song. They are so cute! Keaton has been in the school choir for 2 years now and really enjoys it. Every Wednesday before school they have choir practice. I hope that he will continue on with the choir as he gets older. My mom, his Nanna was able to go to his performance. Keaton was so happy that she came. He loves his Nanna sooooooooo much!!! The have always had a special bond.