Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feeling NOT SO pretty!

Welp.....just a little ramble session. So yesterday I ran my 1st 5k. It was fun, all went well. My time was 31.20 not to shabby for the 1st try. BUT.....later in the day I took a little snooze with Carter. When I woke up I needed eye drops for my dry contact eyes......I used my moms.....only it ended up not being eye drops, it was contact cleaner!!!! I flushed the ol' eyeballs the best I could and got my contacts out, almost killing my left eye in the process! Fast forward to left eye still feels funky, it keeps running HOW LOVELY!!! Then........I left my make up at my moms house. So, today was church (no I didn't go with a weepy eye and without make up) and last night my little sis reminded my it was stake conf. Anyway I thought I was in the clear not having to find a sub for my nursery calling. Later in the day little sis called to say it was not conf. after all. She had the dates mixed up. Oh my sakes.....sorry nursery ladies.....didn't show up for you all today : ( No worries little sis, I will forgive you.....things happen!!!

Anyway, now that I have rambled on.....I am feeling NOT SO pretty today!

(I am going to have to buy some make up tomorrow cuz I don't want to drive to/from my moms anytime soon, life is to busy to fit one more drive in)