Sunday, January 25, 2009

Watching the kiddo's

The other day I watched Amber's kiddo's so she could go to the Doctor. Keaton had that day off from school for a "Quality teaching day" (love how the schools name things). The boys were so excited to have Emma and Liam over!!!! The older kids had fun making fruit loop necklaces. Keaton ended up with a big one but the other 2 ate them as fast as they put them on the string. Cute kids!!
Then.....when Amber got back the boys asked if she would play a game with them. It is a highlight for them to play board games with her. I am not sure why they love to play them with her but they do. She is so good play the games with them. I play games with them all the time....I guess I am the mom....and not as "cool" as Auntie Amber : )

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