Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm old!!!!!!!!

According to my dear Talon................I am old! Yep he told me that my age is a very high number. He said I am really, really, close to 100 and that is old. He says that 2 digit numbers are high. He said that I am almost as old as my Grandma (hello she is pushing 80). Well don't I feel good now! LOL
But........on a happier note, he did tell me that I am tall for my age : ) You've got to wonder what is kicking around in little minds don't you.


Natalie said...

Ha ha ha!!! What a little cuter. Those kids really tell it like it is. So fun!

Natalie said...

that was supposed to say CUTIE (sorry I can't spell - lol)

jewel said...

Hey Kim, I'm glad he didn't mention how old his Nana is. You are just beautiful and don't look your age at all. Tell Talon he is a little stinker. Mom

ber78 said...

He's right you are old granny