Friday, February 26, 2010

CrAzY wEeK

No pictures today just a little recap of our crazy week!
Monday: Took the van in for regular maintenance. Should have taken 45 min. I was at the shop for almost 2 hrs with Carter. The 1st hour went well.....the 2nd hr was a nightmare. Oh the joys of entertaining a 2 year old in a dealership that has nothing ok to touch.....not to mention how dirty the waiting room is.
Tuesday: Our chaotic day every week. Keaton has scouts right after school then off to his piano lessons we go. The kids begged for McDonald's on the way home. It is a big treat for them since I am pretty anti Micky D's. The little ones went to bed. Keaton was doing his homework and couldn't finish because his tummy hurt so bad. I let him stay in my room and around 11 pm he woke up crying and headed for the bathroom........didn't quit make it!!! Puked his guts out over and over on my floor ACK!!!!!! Not pretty, so sorry!
Wednesday: Wee early in the morning I was still helping Keaton since he was sick as can be......I don't know if he had the flu or food poisoning??? (Micky D perhaps????) I guess I will never know. Then about 1 am Talon comes into my room cryings (lovely) and he says his ear is hurting. Gave him ear drops and meds. So, two boys sick in my room all night long.
Thursday: Kids stayed home from school. Took Talon to the Dr. for his ear. Found out he has strep throat (go figure). Bought his meds and went back home. Keaton was starting to feel a bit better. At the end of the night they were both doing much better.
Friday: Kids went back to school. Feeling good enough to go, just tired.
Now, I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy that they are on the up and up and it is almost bed time! We made it through the CrAzY wEeK but it was a tough one!


jewel said...

So sorry for your week Kim, brings back so many memories of you girls. Life is just full of surprises some good some not so good. Love you.Mom

utwingnut said...

I'm glad it's over for you honey. Keep on truckin. :)

Cassie said...

Kim, that is a sad post. I feel bad for ya, and the kiddos. That is not fun at all!

Natalie said...

Oh wow! I was worn out just reading about it. I have a feeling next week is gonna be great!