Saturday, August 28, 2010

1st Day of school......

Here are the cute little buggers right before heading out for school. They were both so excited!

Had to get a back pack shot.
Oh, so grown up! Keaton started 4th grade and Talon started 1st. I can't believe it!!! Love the smiles in this picture.

Keaton is such a handsome dude : ) He is in a portable again this year and lovin' it! He has already started reading the 3rd Harry Potter book so he can be well on his way for AR points. He has such a joy for reading.
Here is Talon with his teacher. He is so happy to have his own desk this year. I am sooooooo loving that he only has 17 students in his class. Private school is the right fit for him.....couldn't ask for more! We are also car pooling with the same girl that we did last year, the two of them are crack ups together. (driving round trip for his school is 50 happy to car pool!!!)

1 comment:

ber78 said...

The boys look so handsome I'm loving there hair cuts. They are growing up way to fast cant believe it, 4th and 1st grade no way!