Saturday, August 27, 2011

Talon in "Pirates"

Talon was in a play for children 6-13 a few month's back. He practiced for month's on end for this play. He wanted to do this class so bad, he was so excited for it. He was loving it at the beginning, but quickly got bored with the class. We had him stick to his commitment and finish it out. He was one of the youngest kiddo's.

His part in the play was purple beard. He was so cute to watch. During the play he would get bored and find a mop or other prop and start adding his own parts to the play. During a few speaking parts the other kids had, Talon would all of a sudden add his own part. What a silly kid.

He did end up having fun and meeting some nice kids but he doesn't want to be in another play anytime soon.

Last week I took him to a Music Man play so he could see that it can be fun. It just takes a lot of work. He did say when he gets older he will try again.

I think he did a great job and looked like a darling pirate. I am so proud of him for trying something new and fun. He is a brave outspoken little boy and I am happy that he stuck to it and finished it out. Way to go Talon.

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