Friday, December 5, 2008

Flashback Friday!

I was looking at some of my older photos and I saw these of Talon and they made me smile! Now Carter wears those jammies that Talon has on! This picture was taken at our old house. Talon has always loved books.
Here are the early stages of him playing "Evil Canevil". Look at his cute tummy!
This is one of my all time favorite pictures of him. He was the same size as his little buddies. He also loved wearing his Daddy's hat whenever he got the chance.
When I look back on photos like these it reminds me how fast time goes by. I need to do a better job at taking time each day to cherish the little moments I have with my sweet boys. Mommy loves you Talon!

1 comment:

Tara L. said...

Lindsay has that same Winnie the Pooh. Cute Pictures. They sure don't stay little long.