Monday, December 29, 2008

Watch out sugar bugs.......

Yesterday the boys ate a bunch of their Christmas candy. I tried my best not to buy but a tintsy bit......but Great-grandma Salmon knows what they like, SUGAR!!!!!!! You can see by the size of the massive suckers what kind of day we had yesterday......can you say crazy bouncing off the wall boys!!!!
But........then, the crazy dental assistant in me comes out and after a treat like that we brusha, brusha, brusha!!!!!!! Which leads me to today. We ventured to Salt Lake today for the kids Dental visits. They think it is so fun going to the dentist. They always are nervous that they will have "sugar bug houses" (cavities). But, once again no cavities!!!!!! I don't know what they/I would do if they did find one?!?! After the dental visit they get a token to ride on this cute merry-go-round.
Keaton was being a great big brother and took Carter along with him. We couldn't get the seat belt to work for Carter to ride on his own.

I wish I had that much fun when I was a kid at the dentist. I cried every time I knew I had an appointment. Lots of great Pediatric dentists to choose from now days : )


Tara L. said...

Hey Kim, the dental assistant in me comes out after Lindsay eats treats too. She hates it. Which dentist did you take the boys too? It looks like they had fun and great job with the no cavities. Lindsay is due for a check up but I haven't found a pediatric dentist here yet.

ber78 said...


So the sucker Grandma gave all of the kids a little bit crazy don't you thnik. Emma love it anyway.