Monday, June 8, 2009

What do we have here?

So, Rick decided he would make his first cake the other night. (any of you that don't know...he makes cookies, muffins, and brownies....a lot!! He does a great job making them) He asked for my help but I told him it would be much easier than making all of his other creations so he went for it. Well.........I should have helped my poor husband out!!!
Um....he baked a carrot cake. Well he tried anyway. He cooked it in a little square baking dish and it would not cook all the way through. Then the kids were inpatient because this was supposed to be our FHE treat so he decided to frost it early. know what happens then. : )
You can't tell from the picture to well but the middle of the cake was raw and sunken in. Oh my!

This is one of the pieces!
I guess he tried eh?
It tasted ok. Next time I will give him a hand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor Rick!! I give him a gold star for effort!!