Sunday, January 10, 2010

Salmon Christmas Party 2009

Yep, I am still playing catch up on my posting from 2009. This is our crowd at the Salmon Christmas party. (We are minus Melissa and Martin) At this moment in time we were trying to capture all of the grownups. Keaton took the picture for us. We once were a small little family with only 5 grand kids but now we have grown and have kiddo's of our own (that picture will be next!) Grandpa and Grandma Salmon do a great job at keeping a few parties on the calendar each year to keep us all together.
Back row: Uncle Brent, cousin Lori, and Jeff (Lori's fiance)
Standing: Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Aunt Linda, sister Stacey, Cute hubbie of mine Rick, Me, Bro. in law Garrett.
Seated: Sis Amber, Bro. in law John Here are all the kiddo's: Zander 7, Emma 4, Carter 2, Keaton 9, Maylee 9, Liam 2, Elliott 6, and Talon 5. We are missing Caden who is 4. He was in a mood and didn't want anything to do with having his picture taken. He is a cute little bugger though.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas Kim. Your boys and your sisters kids are all getting so big. I remember when Zander was born. How do they get so big so fast!