Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What I found Talon doing...............

So, poor little Talon has been home from school the past 2 days and will not being going back for at least one more day. He came down with a funky rash on his face. I took him to the Dr. and was told that he has an infection in his nose and he has spread it onto his face. Oh joy! Since it is contagious we are home bound for a bit. I have used Lysol wipes like crazy! His bed has all of his normal bedding off and washed. I have had him wash, wash, and wash his hands like crazy all through out the day. You know how kids love to touch everything!

Anyway he was down in his room just hanging out........the video below is what I found. What a precious little boy!

I find him doing and saying things like this quite often. It just touches my heart! He KNOWS what matters. He KNOWS! I love him :)


Tara L. said...

What a sweet little boy! He has a great mom. He will make a great missionary one day!

Cassie said...

Oh my word. He is so awesome. He seems like such a grown up boy. I am so glad you got that on video.
Loved your family pictures you emailed!

ames said...

Talon is such a fun boy. He has so much character. I am so glad you captured it. You have such great kids!

utwingnut said...

Talon sure has his moments. It's nice to have a boy like Talon around to keep his parents on thier toes. What a good kid.