Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Run run as fast as you can...........well I am not the gingerbread man but I am making progress!

Well, if you know me at all you know that I was never a runner......never thought I would run.....didn't think I could or would like to run or even try to run. Running was pretty much a swear word in my book I think?!? Well I am here to say that by darn I can do it and have been doing it! My goal was to be able to run a 5k by my B-day. I won't be running it until a few days after my B-day but I have already reached my goal this month and I have been going 1.2 miles over my goal distance (I have been consistant @ 4.2 miles). And............I think I can say that I am starting to like running. Wow, can that be? I think it is mid life crisis kicking in or something LOL

I know that I have some runner friends out there.....what are some pointers you can give me to help me get even better and enjoy it even more? I would love some input : )


utwingnut said...

Pointer #1

Keep running.

Pointer #2

When you get tired, refer to Pointer #1.

Cassie said...

utwingnut...that was great advice. Kim, you will like it. I have to get past 3 miles to really enjoy it. Then I love it. Make sure and have some really good shoes and running socks...prepare to lose toenails...keep up on goals. Good Luck Kim you will love it. You can do hard things.....

utwingnut said...

Keep up the hard work sweetheart.

ber78 said...

Way to go Kim you are doing great. I'm so proud of you! Who would have thought. My advice to you is to go running with you little sister more often.