Thursday, August 12, 2010

Time to catch up!

Yowzers.....I have been quite the slacker when it comes to this blog. Let me explain : ) We have had an AWESOME summer! Pictures to come. We went camping, to our family cabin, Lagoon, an Ice Cream party and sleepover at G&G Nelson's, movies, movie nights, Keaton had basketball camp, swimming, BBQ's, Rick and Talon's b-day parties, and a whole bunch of other things. It has been loads of fun! I am so sad that we only have a week and a day left of it : (

We also lost my dear Uncle Brent. He was only 60 years young.

The 2 older boys took 2 weeks of swimming lessons and have continued taking private lessons every Monday night. They are doing so well. I am not sure what we can work out when school starts but I hope to be able to continue if they can have and earlier time slot.

Talon started taking piano lessons like his big brother. He is doing such a great job. He can memorize things like know other! We are so proud of him. It has also kept his mind off of spelling a bit. (He spells everything he hears, he sees something and spells it......his mind never stops he seriously needs a daily spelling bee).

I have been working at the Aquatics center near my home. I work a couple mornings a week for 2-3 hours. It is so nice.....I am able to take my kids and they get to play and do crafts. By working I get some great perks......1/2 of on childcare, 1/2 off on everything offered at the gym. (swimming lessons, basketball camp, sports for the kids etc).

And.......last but not least. Since I get 1/2 off at the gym I started working with a personal trainer the beginning of June. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. It is something I have always wanted to do but it was just to costly. I thought it would be so can be some days but for the most part I find it very rewarding. I have also surprised myself at how strong I am and how quickly I have seen results. I am lovin' it!!!! And.........I have been running!!!! If you know me at all you know that is huge I didn't think I could do it because I have tried before (but didn't know how to gear myself up for it I guess) Anyway, I feel so much better being fit and I love looking more like my old self : ) YEAH!!!

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