Friday, January 11, 2013

Creeeeepy! It's Halloween!

 Keaton didn't really know if he was going to dress up for Halloween this year or not. When all of his cousins decided to all go trick-or-treating together he decided HE WOULD. We through together a bunch of random costume stuff, and this is what we came up with.....a Creeeeepy lookin' something or another! He posed all creepy by a tree which made him look even creepier. Towards the end of the night he even had another mask on the back of his head, so he looked creepy from both sides.
This picture I just love. It is at the rec. center that I used to work at.  Carter is a Roman Soldier, Talon is Malfoy from Harry Potter, and Keaton is was just being himself that night : ) My boys had tons of fun! Each month for work someone was in charge of the Birthday bulletin. October was mine, so the fun tree in the background is what I made. Each doily leaf has a child's name and birthday on it.

This picture is also from the rec. center. Each year the rec. center puts on a fun night for the community for Halloween. Each department has a theme. We choose into the woods. Keaton needed hours for a scouts so I put him to work and the two of us created a  cute "Grandmothers house". It is actually like the fish pond game except for the kids would put a basket down the chimney and pull it up for their prize. Keaton was the on putting the prize into the basket : ) I was the "Wolf in G-mas clothes" and my coworker was a pig. It was a fun night!

1 comment:

Tara L. said...

Hey Kim,
We are in Vernal. Let me know if you are over this way. I would love to see you!