Monday, December 22, 2008

Saturday night/ Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Saturday night my parents put on their annual Christmas open house. Keaton was old enough to be an elf this year and he was so excited. He did such a great job. They sit outside in their driveway all suited up for anyone that would like to stop by. The give out toys to all of the children and ask that people bring donations for the Utah Food Bank. It is always such a great night for our family. I think they are so great and generous to put this on year after year.

This is picture of all of the elves that got to help them out this year. Keaton is in the middle. They are in charge of greeting guests, directing them to the guest book - cookies- drinks and choosing age appropriate toys for the children. At the end of the night my parents present each of the elves a nutcracker. Keaton is so excited to have his very own now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so sad that I had to miss it!