Thursday, December 18, 2008

Talon's Winter Sing.

On Wednesday Talon had his Winter Sing at school. It was so fun to watch him and all of his little buddies perform. I get so teary eyed whenever I watch my kids in programs. I am not a person that cries for much of anything but I tell you what......watching my kids in programs does it for me every time!!!

What a handsome little guy. He was hamming it up the whole time!
Then...they got a surprise visit from Santa.

Talon was thrilled to get a candy cane. He is so excited for Christmas this year. He has been asking so many questions about Santa, the North Pole, the sleigh and so on and so forth. It is so fun to see his excitement.

Holy cow!!! The boy next to him has older sisters that are twins....and then he is a triplet!!! Can you even imagine???? They have the cutest mom and she always seems put together.....I need to know her trick!!! I have trouble keeping it together with the boys that I have!

1 comment:

ber78 said...

It looks like Talon had a fun program. I Hope to hear him sing at the Christmas parties.