Sunday, January 3, 2010

Talon's Winter Sing and 100% paper

Talon is a Kindergartner at Challeger this year. He has such a fun time going to school. He has made some great friends and just adores his teacher Mrs. Wagstaff. We are happy for the small class size and the wonderful way they have of teaching.
Below is a picture of Talon getting set for his Winter Sing. He was so excited that when he got to school his teacher had scarves for all of them to wear :)
Talon is the 2nd from the right. He is singing his little heart out!

Here he is singing "If Santa Was A Cowboy". I wish I had video of this one. They were all shakin' it and doing some cute moves during some of it.

Daddy is holding Talon up by his composition paper that he did so well on that it was put in the outside hall with all of the "Above and Beyond work".

This is something the teacher gives them a thought to write about and then they go from that point on their own. He wrote about having fast shoes.

We are so proud of Talon. He is a great student!

1 comment:

ames said...

Talon has the best face expressions and cutest smile. He is such a ham. That kid can be a model