Friday, October 3, 2008

Redneck Fire Alarm

I got this in an e-mail today and I thought it was so funny. I know, lame things make me laugh! It does bring back memories though (not that we used this as our fire alarm growing up LOL). I remember making it with my family at our cabin. I also remember thinking it was such a treat when we got it at home. I don't think we ever had a batch that was not burnt! I can remember how my arm would get so tired trying to keep the darn thing shaking. Wow we are so spoiled now days with the microwaves.


Cassie said...

I loved it too! We always took it camping.

jewel said...

Kimberlee I can't believe you even found a picture of the Jiffy Pop, brings back many memories and mostly I remember that it was always burnt. I don't think I ever tasted it un burnt!!!!