Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Boys will be boys.

Lunch time! Yogurt, PB and J sandwiches, crackers, and a Batman fruit roll up.

Sword fight.
Hiding from the bad guys.
The chaos : )
Eating Popsicles.


Unknown said...

Look How much excitment you have in your day. What would you do without all of those boys in your life?

Cassie said...

Looks like a fun playday. I had playgroup at my house yesterday too. It was a little crazy with 10 kids. Even a 5 month old! We trade off so my turn isn't for about 4 weeks, so it is worth it.
Thanks for all the tips with the coupons it is great to be back in the game.
The Marathon is Oct. 4th. Conference weekend. Wish me luck!!!! I need it,I am trying to finish in 5 hours. Which is a long time to most runners. I will just be happy to finish!