Friday, September 12, 2008

What my coupons and $20.16 bought today.

I had a crazy shopping trip today since like usual I have kids in tow. Amber what is our deal? No more shopping with the kids, we need to swap! (really this time). I am so excited for what I was able to stock up on this week. Even though it was crazy I think my trip was very worth while. This is what I bought for $20.16.

18 Powerade 0 drinks

17 boxes of granola bars

13 boxes of instant oatmeal

10 bottles of Aunt Jemima syrup

2 cartons of Orange juice (2 more free on my next visit/they ran out)

2 loaves of Wheat bread
If I bought this without coupons/catalinas it would have cost me $201.94


Cassie said...

Wow! Good job. I have gotten deals like that before, where most of the stuff in my cart was free or like $.25. You did great!
I quit the coupon thing because I went probably 6 months without getting any good deals. You get a little spoiled when you use coupons. When you get things for free your sense of what a good deal actually is gets really screwed up. I started thinking I wasn't getting a deal unless it was close to free. I am thinking I need to start back up again. You have inspired me.

Tara L. said...

That is awesome Kim. Thanks for the ideas. I will have to see what I can do here.