Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Day Of School Photo's

Wow, Keaton started 5th grade this year! I can't believe how fast time goes by. He is such a fun, kind, good student and friend. I am now just posting for the first day of school but he just had parent teacher conference yesterday. His teacher loves him in her class because he is such a good boy/student. Way to go Keaton, love you buddy!
Look how much these boys have grown. No wonder I have to run my dishwasher twice a day....boys = lots and lots of food.
Talon is Mr. jabber box. He is such a smart guy also. Everyday he comes home with pictures that he has drawn because he finishes his work so quickly....his teacher lets him draw once he completes his work to keep him from talking to his classmates. He is doing so well in school. We are very proud of him. Oh, he also looooves his uniform. On dress down days he often ops to wear his full uniform. This is his last year in private school. It is going to be a shocker once he begins public school. Talon is awesome at reading. He reads nonstop. He is also a great mathematician. I don't like correcting his homework because most of it he does in head but I have to do it long form to figure it out! Ugh! If anyone needs spelling help Mr. Talon usually knows the answer. I swear he is like a walking computer.

I am happy but sad that Carter started school this year. He is in preschool 2 mornings a week. He was thrilled to start school! He couldn't wait to be just like his big brothers.

One day a week he gets to bring in show and tell, or if you ask him it is showingtell. He is learning so quickly. I am so amazed what he tells me each time I pick him up.
Oooo this is an action shot : )

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